On a recent sunny spring day, our kindergartner sat down with a pen and a clipboard before she headed out of doors."What are you doing?" I asked.
She replied, without taking her eyes off the kid-sized clipboard, "Making a list of everything I want to do today."
In case you don't speak Kindergarten, it reads: Roll in the Grass, Swing, Chalk (sidewalk chalk, for the uninitiated) and Tag.
Oh, to be a kid again.
When she came back in a few hours later, she found another pen and checked off all her tasks. As you can see, she was able to accomplish everything on the list. Which is more than I can say for my day's checklist. (Her's was much more fun).
As I looked at her work, I asked, "So, did you have fun today?"
"Yep," she replied as she skipped out of the room.
Happy kid? ... Check.
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